Feather From Valentine

{ Supre Singlet // Zara Skirt //
Nike Feather High Sneakers, gifted by Kz //
Alexander Wang Bag }

Beautiful sunlight, cool breeze, wearing the Valentine's day present from my Valentine , all these made the perfect Valentines day =)

We didn't do much today. Had a late dessert lunch, walked around the city, then bought yummy Thai take away home for dinner. Some may think that Valentines day shouldn't be spent like this but when there is three major days - Our Anniversary, Valentine's Day, and my birthday -  to be celebrated  within a month time,  V day will have to take the least priority~ But don't get me wrong, I still love how we've spent our v day~ I guess it's not what you did, it's all about who were you with =)

Btw, was that car in the last picture trying to knock me down?! Should have also posted a picture with me lying on the floor next =P


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