Oversized Denim Shirt

{Denim Shirt: Timberland (stolen from Kz); Grey Sweater: Cotton On; Skirt: Christopher Ari; Scarf: UK; Tights: H&M; Boots: HK; I'm Not A Plastic Bag: Anya Hindmarch }

Haven't used my "I'm not a plastic bag" for quite a while. I used to carry it everyday to uni cause it can just literally fit ALL my stuff and it's super durable!!It's definitely one of my favourite bags! =)

So how have you guys been???We have been really busy unpacking the new arrival for "Ezzentric Topz Surprise". I really really want to show you all what I've picked for the new blog store but i just need to finish all my current tasks before i can start working on it. Now i only wish there's 48 hours in a day,lol~

