Valentino Couture Fall 2010


If I will have to pick a wedding gown, I'll definitely pick one (or few =P) from this collection!
I've always been thinking that my future wedding gown has to be from Valentino. Why?

#1: I really love how clean and delicate their cutting is.

#2: I absolutely love short stuff and am not a fan of massive floor length gown (but i've still picked a few long ones from this collection =P). "V" has been doing really well on mini couture.

#3: It's a tradition for us to wear bright red in our wedding back home.Valentino is the master of red gown!

So what do you guys think of this collection?love of hate?

It's been a hectic week and have no time to take outfit shots yet ><  But will try my best to do a couple in the coming week since there's couple of lovely pieces from the store which i really want to show you . 
It's such a beautiful day today, let's wish that uncle Sunshine can  stay with us for the rest of the week!
Have a super-duper week guys!

. don't forget to enter our giveaway.


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