Military Jacket


Military Jacket: Vintage; Jumper: Big W; Beige Tee: American Apparel; Skirt: A & F; Shoes: Thrifted; Clutch: Hong Kong

How's everyone going?? How's winter treating you so far? A lot of my friends have already been to the snow~ I really should plan a snowboarding trip for myself too! Have been busy with choosing new stock for Ezzentric Topz Surprise and was lucky enough to find some really lovely tutu skirts and even more lovely wedges! These new stuff will hopefully arrive in a month time, I will definitely do an immediate review on them once they reach my door step~! Feel free to check out Ezzentric Topz Surprise - our latest online store here if you have not visited yet~! We're now thinking of opening two blog stores, one with most of our "Suprise" stocks (unique & stylish brand new apparels and wedges) and another one with our handpicked vintage accessories and bags. What do you guys think?? Do you like the idea? have any of you shopped at a blog store before? We think blog store is quite convenient for bloggers~!


大家好嗎?香港一定很熱吧!但這兒真的冷得像冰箱一樣!快要變冰條了!似乎也是時候要出戰一下雪山, snowbarding一番~!最近也在忙著為新店 Ezzentric Topz Surprise 增添新貨。 "Surprise " 的貨品現在只在我們的facebook page上發售, 但現在正計劃開一個正式的blog store, 這樣便會比較方便一眾blogger。我們也在籌備另一 blog store, 主攻vintage 包包和手飾, 預計下星期初便會開業, 大家要密切留意啊~

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