little black poncho

{black fur poncho: hong kong; mustard/gray love heart scarf: uk; pale blue oversize jumper: american apparel; sand loafers: thrifted}

It's really cold two days ago so i got the chance to put this fur poncho on. Although it didn't keep me warm, i still had a great day with it. I'm such a big fan of oversize stuff~ I also really like my plaited pony tail, which is inspired by emma from spindizzyfall, it just made me feel like 10 years younger,lol (well, you're not that old are you?)thanks emma~

Kz and i went to Dockland after a short op-shop tour. It was really beautiful there so i forced him to take a few shots of me skipping while he's busy fishing, and he did it reluctantly. It's not a very good one but i still like it~


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