touch my body~

i'd say this is the week of bodysuit!

i'm never a big fan of bodysuit but i've purchased a whole bunch of bodysuits for the sotre (dunno why =P). surprisingly, they do look much prettier and more comfy than i thought.

i think they do not only go well with high waisted bottoms, but also in a more edgy way~!
If i have the guts, i'll definitely wear one of them with a pair of think cotton stockings, a pair of platform wedges tan leather sandals, and a faux fur jacket!!!can you picture that??? 
Oh well....only if i have Natalia's figure~phew~

all these American Apparel style bodysuits are In Sotre now, have a look and see which one you like the best~!

have been busy recently coz i have to get prepared for my beloved sis's visit~!!!!!i'm so excited about this!!!!!we haven't seen each other for more than half a year!!!!!

sis at Rugby Seven last year

i used to go back home every year but not this year since i'd love to spend more time on Ezzentric Topz. So my sis decided to come over to visit me for her birthday. 

i've already book a 3days holiday in Hobart~! Since sis have been working like a machine, she just want to do nothing but chill. I have never been to tassie, is there any good suggestion of where to visit and what to eat??How can i make good use of the 3 days 2 nights there??we're leaning towards a relaxing holiday rather than a packed trip. I'd love all kind of suggestions from you guys~!!!


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