Hate It but Love It

i hate the time of the month!i hate it when the cramp hits!It's not letting me to do anything except for lying on the bed like a dead fish =_=
but thank god for technology~!at least i can still do a bit of complaint here~ =P
i think it's a good time for me to update you guys with my recent purchases.

this is my very first outfit with my alexa wedges. it's actually from few weeks ago, i know it's super late,sorry~

{Tee: Stussy (stolen fron Kz) ,  Sequined mini Skirt: Supre , Alexa Wedges: Jeffery Campbell, Motorcycle bag: Balenciaga}

the wedges are as comfy as i thought!i wore them for the entire day and there's no sign of sore feet whatsoever!! they look so hot with any type of socks! i've seen some people wearing them without socks, but i don't think it'll look good on me coz i just dun have the legs~!

the sequined skirt is my new lover! i was hunting crazily for sequined skirt a while ago and was about to purchase one off the net which costs over US$100. 
But someone must have known that if i had bought the skirt, i'd have to eat tuna and bread everyday!so he/she just kindly left this stunning black and gold sequined skirt at the front of the sale rack in Supre!It caught my eye!i immediately ran to the skirt and flip the tag over, hoping that it would not cost more than $50 bucks. when i saw the little orange tag said "$15", my tear nearly burst out! 
Dear Anonymous, you just saved me 1 carton of tuna and 5 kg of breads ! Thank you!

I have actually bought a few other stunning pieces which i'd love to share with you guys, but i just dun the energy now. I think i really need an afternoon nap. So what about tomorrow??I'll write and post more photos once i'm fully charged with battery!!


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