here we are!!

right~we're finally here!
had this blog opened since sept but really haven't have time (and was very lazy =P) to deal with it.
since Ezzentric Topz Vintage is getting bigger, i think it's time to start writing bits and pieces of us for all you lovely ETVers!!

First of all, i really want to THANK all of you!without your support, ETV won't get this far and won't be able to expand a bit more. WE LOVE YOU ALL

let me introduce the main members of ETV!!!!

1) Kz

qualification: B biomed...and is now into!!

position: photographer/ buyer/ administrator/ chauffeur/

good at: the champion of falling asleep at anytime and
anywhere(except while he's catching fishies=_=)!

2) Twee

qualification: B Creative Arts (miss my
CRATS PPL><) position: buyer/ stylist/ creative director( if...=.=)/procratinator no. 2

good at: stealing clothes from the store,hohohoh=P

3)last but not least...Topz (applause!!!)

qualification: graduate of puppy school

position: CEO/ procrastinator no. 3

good at: not letting us to leave home for op-shopping & running
off from us

so from now on this will be a regularly updated blog! details of promotion/ free gift/ giveaway will be posted here, on the store home page, and on our facebook page
so keep yourself updated yeh?!

alright, gotta run to work now

